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To Nessa-ILY

This is for my AMAZING friend, Nesquick (Nessa)
She always give me comments when I'm making new albums, she supports me everytime!!
I tried to make you an autograph...That's not perfect...I admit it!! but I tried :D I hope you like it <33
I know my autograph it's not very important...but don't worry Miley has a surprise for you!! :D
Thank you for everything sweetie! I LOVE YOU WITH ALL MY HEART <33
to my nesquick >:D<
to my nesquick >:D<

Comments • 1

xStrawberryShortcakex 27 June 2011  
Oh Noiee' , u amazed me little princess ! Thnx so much my dear <3 . U're a part of me !! This autogrpah is just wonderful :) , I'm so happy cus now u're my friend ! U're so so great !! Thnx very much . U're so awsm ! I can't live without u bbe >:d< . OMGsh ;o3 I just love so much my darling !
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